Payments To SIU Employees
Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024, 11:35 AM
If request is to pay an SIU Employee for services, contact Human Resources.
If payment is to reimburse an SIU Employee for miscellaneous expenses and the total is less than $10,000, request may be made with an Invoice Distribution Form and submitted to Accounts Payable utilizing the Direct Voucher Method. If total exceeds $9,999.99, complete a Purchase Requisition and forward to Procurement Services.
If payment is to reimburse an employee for entertainment expenses, they must complete an Entertainment Expense form regardless of dollar amount, which should be submitted with the Purchase Requisition and/or Invoice Distribution Form.
Purchase Requisitions to pay SIU Employees cannot be processed within AIS. A special number is assigned to these Purchase Requisitions.
Special number format example: XX0001-0001
XX=Fiscal Year indicator
0001=Purchasing internal number
-0001=next consecutive number
Department will receive a copy of the Purchase Requisition with a note stating:
“Payments to SIU employees are made through the Procurement Services module. Though a Purchase Requisition is required, there will not be a Purchase Order issued through the Procurement Services module for these transactions.
Please reference the special requisition number on the Invoice Distribution Form (IDF) when submitting to Accounts Payable (MC 6818) for payment/reimbursement.”
Reimbursement for travel expenses must be completed on a Travel Expense Voucher.