Payments To Individuals
Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024, 11:35 AM
Payments under $10,000 may be made with an Invoice Distribution Form submitted to Accounts Payable (MC 6818) utilizing the Direct Voucher Method. The Supplier and Department must also include a completed Independent Contract Analysis Form and W-9.
If request totals $10,000 or over, a Purchase Requisition must be submitted to Procurement Services, along with an Independent Contract Analysis Form and W-9, prior to the event.
Purchase Requisitions should include a written agreement signed by the Supplier agreeing to provide the service indicating the specified terms including location, service to be provided, event dates and dollar amount.
If the payment is to reimburse an individual for entertainment expenses, the individual must complete an Entertainment Expense form.
It is easier for the Department, Accounts Payable and Procurement Services when travel expenses are going to be paid, to simply voucher these charges directly using an Invoice Distribution Form, rather than making a separate item on a Purchase Requisition due to exact costs being unknown.
NOTE: If a check is to be given to the Supplier immediately after the service, an Invoice Distribution Form must be submitted with the Purchase Requisition including any necessary attachments. The Invoice Distribution Form must state the date when the check will need to be picked up and list the name of the individual(s) who are authorized to pick up the check at Accounts Payable. (Photo ID required.)
If a check is to be mailed to the Supplier after the event, the Supplier must sign the “Sellers Certification” section of the Invoice Distribution Form or provide Accounts Payable with an itemized invoice, complete with remittance address.
Please allow two weeks lead time prior to the event when submitting a Purchase Requisition. Allow six weeks lead time if the amount to be paid is $20,000 or more. Call two days before the event if an e-mail has not been received stating a Purchase Order Number.
Travel expenses for Suppliers can be vouchered directly to Accounts Payable on an Invoice Distribution Form, including receipts and a W-9.
Payments for alcoholic beverages will not be allowed, unless Foundation accounts are being utilized.
Lodging and meals for University employees are to be paid using a Travel Expense Voucher.
The following statements will be placed on the Purchase Order:
- Not an SIU employee or student. (If an employee is receiving payment for services, contact Human Resources. If payment is for reimbursement, cash advance, etc. see Payments to SIU Employees.)
- The Contractor certifies that it is not in default on an educational loan as provided in Public Act 85-827.
For payments $10,000 or over, an Acceptance Copy of the Purchase Order and a Contract Certification form will be mailed or faxed to the individual, which must be signed and returned prior to completing the Purchase Order.
Purchase Requisitions $20,000 or over, require either competitive bidding or sole source justification. If bidding, the Department must complete a Request for Proposal and a Purchase Requisition and submits documents to Procurement Services. When a Sole Source Supplier is essential, the Department must prepare a Sole Source Justification form with rationale justifying this need, along with a Purchase Requisition and submits documents to Procurement Services with a completed Independent Contract Analysis form.
If the individual is listed in a grant, forward a copy of the fully executed grant with the Purchase Requisition and Sole Source Justification form to Procurement Services, along with a completed Independent Contract Analysis form.
For orders of $20,000 or over, Departments must submit a Purchase Requisition six weeks prior to the event to allow for advertising on the Illinois Higher Education Procurement Bulletin, which is required by State law.
A Department cannot initiate multiple contracts with a single supplier to avoid the RFP process, if the total amount of such multiple contracts would exceed $20,000. A Department wishing to utilize a current Supplier for multiple professional services in excess of $20,000 should contact Procurement Services at 453-5751.