Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024, 11:36 AM
Do expenses paid on a P-Card have to be listed on the Travel Expense Voucher?
Yes. Then the amounts need to be deducted in the “Amount Not Allowed.”
How soon after my trip is over do I need to submit a Travel Expense Voucher?
You should submit your Travel Expense Voucher for reimbursement within ten business days from the date of travel or by the end of the month.
Is a Graduate Assistant’s reimbursement claimed on a Travel Expense Voucher or an Invoice Distribution Form?
Travel Expense Voucher because they are considered an employee of the University.
How can I be reimbursed for gas purchased for a University vehicle?
You must submit your receipt to Travel Service for reimbursement.
Is a change fee for an airline ticket reimbursable?
If the change was made due to the transaction of official University business, it is reimbursable. If the change was made for personal reasons, it cannot be reimbursed.
Should I use a P-Card when traveling to a foreign country?
A P-Card can be used for travel expenses in a foreign country. However, keep in mind that if a P-Card is used for lodging expenses, then all meals must be accounted for with a receipt. When a P-Card is used for lodging expenses in a foreign country, per diem is not allowed for meal expenses. Per diem can be claimed for both lodging and meals when the P-Card is not used at all, or it is used for expenses other than lodging.
Is insurance on a rental vehicle reimbursable?
Do I have to take the meal amount off the per diem if the meal was provided but I did not attend the function?
Yes. If the meal was provided you must take the meal amount off your per diem regardless if you attended or not.
When do you receive a meal allowance?
Meal allowances are allowed when travel is less than 18 hours and overnight lodging is not required. Breakfast is allowed when you depart on or before 6:00 am. Dinner is allowed when you return on or after 7:00 pm. Lunch is never allowed. (The per diem calculator is not for meal allowances.)
When do you receive per diem?
You receive per diem if your travel included overnight lodging or is 18 or more continuous hours.
Do I need to attach copies of the lodging receipt if I roomed with another University Employee?
Why do I have to supply itemized lodging receipts if lodging was paid on a P-Card?
All expenses paid or reimbursed by the University must be accounted for on the Travel Expense Voucher. The Travel Expense Voucher is the final accounting of your trip.
Why do I have to justify lodging rates?
The State of Illinois Travel Regulation Council sets the lodging rates and if the lodging exceeds that rate, it is the responsibility of the traveler to justify the excess. We must report all excess lodging to the State Travel Control Board, which has the final say on whether the excess is allowable.