Accounting Services can verify the payment of a check, the address to which the check was mailed, and whether a check has been cashed.
Uncashed Checks
Uncashed Checks: If a check is uncashed and a new check needs to be issued, a Request for Stop Payment form, available at Accounting Services, must be signed by the payee to place a stop payment on the original check. The new check will be issued within 2-3 days after receiving the signed form. Payees have the option of receiving the new check by mail or picking it up from Accounts Payable on the 4th floor of Woody Hall. To request a stop payment on an uncashed check, please contact Jennifer Nadeau at 618-536-2628.
Cashed Checks
Cashed Checks: In the event you need any information related to a cashed check, including a copy of the check, please call Jennifer Nadeau at 618-536-2628 or visit Accounting Services on the 4th floor of Woody Hall.